Sweet love quotes

You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. Author Unknown He who cannot love must learn to flatter.Goethe, German Author Love builds bridges where there are none.” R. H. Delaney Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other – it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help you to grow

True love is giving

Of yourself. Of your heart. If you are wondering if you “love” someone, ask yourself how you have placed your partner’s needs above your own. Ask yourself if you are giving to give, or giving to get something in return — whether it’s emotional validation, acknowledgment, reciprocation or an actual, physical gift. Ask yourself if you give to your partner simply for the act of giving. For the

Tips to acknowledge success

You can do it verbally by talking to colleagues to give and receive positive feedback. You can also do it by talking to yourself. I teach a technique where you talk to yourself in the mirror once a day as a way to remind yourself of your daily accomplishments. It is also important that we acknowledge each other in writing, if only briefly. Supervisors should acknowledge teachers, teachers should

love is emotional interdependence.

Love is not just an emotion people feel toward other people, but also a complex tying together of the emotions that two or a few more people have; it is a special form of emotional interdependence.Baier

Motivating words for the day

Tis not knowing much, but what is useful, that makes a wise man.Thomas Fuller

Positive love saying

Without love, life is pointless and dangerous. Man is on his way to Venus, but he still hasn’t learned to live with his wife. Man has succeeded in increasing his life span, yet he exterminates his brothers six million at a whack. Man now has the power to destroy himself and his planet: depend upon it, he will – should he cease to love.Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Poem on friendship

They say it takes a minute to find a special person an hour to appreciate them a day to love them but an entire life to forget them A verse by an Author Unknown

Positive tip for success

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers

Positive side of love

…that was the first thing I had to learn about her, and maybe the hardest I’ve ever learned about anything–that she is her own, and what she gives me is of her choosing, and the more precious because of it. Sometimes a butterfly will come to sit in your open palm, but if you close your hand, one way or the other, it–and its choice to be there–are gone.Barbara Hambly, Spoken by John Aversin,

Words of Wisdom Of the Day # 258

“Three things can not be long hidden : the sun, the moon and the truth.”

~ Buddha

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